Step 1 - Log into the website, locate Pages on the left, and click All Pages.

Step 2 - Locate the page to which the JPG will be added, and click on the title.

Step 3 - Place your cursor in the text box where you’d like the JPG to be added, and click the Add Media button below the Title space. A light box will open, then click on Upload Files. Click on Select Files in the middle of the page. Go to your computer, and choose the JPG, then click Open. Once the file has uploaded, you have the option to change Title, Caption, Alt Text, and Description. If the client has requested any changes to those options, please edit these fields as specified. Otherwise, you may leave them as they are. Under Attachment Display Settings, please use the following settings, unless otherwise specified: Alignment should be Left, Link To should be None, and Size should be Medium. Click on the blue Insert into Page button in the lower right corner of the light box.

Step 4 - Click the blue Update button in the upper right of the page.